
Monday, December 3, 2012

Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

what do you mean by agarose gel electrophoresis ?
            Basically AGE is  separate  the  DNA fragments  base don their Molecular weight.
in AGE DNA molecules are separated on the basis of charge .AGE the applying electric fild determine it .the shoter molecules travel very easily and longer travel slowly
for the visualizing of dna in the gel we are useing ethidlum bromide.
here we are useing   Tris -borate -EDTA(  TBE) buffer to maintain the pH.

hypothesis in biotechnology (Epigenetic Status of Gdnfin the Ventral Striatum Determines Susceptibility and Adaptation to Daily Stressful Events) this reserch paper

if we down regulate the production of gdnf by rnai,then we can potentially decrease  the behavioral response during  chronic stress….. 
this is my hypothesis on the basses  of ( Epigenetic Status of Gdnfin the Ventral Striatum
Determines Susceptibility and Adaptation
to Daily Stressful Events) this reserch paper

Reference: Epigenetic Status ofGdnfin the Ventral Striatum
Determines Susceptibility and Adaptation
to Daily Stressful Events
my Experiment
  1. One is test and other is control
  2. construct a SAV with gdnf gene DOWNSTREAM TO GFP
  3. In test , ADD gdnf-shRNA
  4. In Control, Add Sc-shRNA
  5. Then we use the CUMS (chronic ultra-mild stress )procedures for testing the stress level
  6. Here the CUMS procedure I followed as per my research paper …
Expected result:
The production of gdnf is down regulated
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