of plant diversity assumes greater importance when the India is facing
loss of biological diversity. As per an
estimate about 60,000 out of 2, 87,655
Species of
plants known in the world are facing the threat of extinction. 11,824 species
for their threat status as per the revised 1994 IUCN Red List Categories; of
these 8321
Species are
now on the IUCN Red List 2004 ( Govaerts 2002, IUCN 2004). Oldfield et al. (1998)
over 7300 tree species as globally threatened.
. The Botanic Gardens (BG) and other plants
conservation Centre’s in India,
Thus play a
very crucial role as Centers for rescue, recovery and rehabilitation of rare,
And extinct
prone species of plants and other valuable plant genetic resources. The BGs also play
role in education and as a Centre of training in areas such as horticulture,
ex-situ conservation and environmental awareness.
Plant conservation strategy
1) Development of models with protocols for
plant conservation and sustainable use, based on research and practical
2) Networks for plant conservation activities
established or strengthened at national, regional and international levels
3) Establish seed banks, arboreta and mist
propagation facilities.
4) Promote education and public awareness in
respect of above said plants ; and Reintroduce said plants in natural habitats
in collaboration with State Forest
5) The State Government’s nominated Departments
will make sufficient budgetary provision for maintenance of the Botanical
Garden/Sections during and after implementation of the project Role of
Botanical Survey of India (BSI)Division.
6) Technical inputs for collection and
propagation of species..
7) Collection of seeds and sapling of rare
8) Information for signage’s.
9) Periodical inspection, monitoring and
suggestions of midterm corrections, if required.
10) Prepare and print Handbook for each photo-geographic
zone listing most rare species.#
Indian journal of traditional knowledge vol. 8(1), January, pp 29-34